Movement at The Healing Ranch

Welcome to our sanctuary of movement and mindfulness, where we invite you to explore the diverse paths to wellness through yoga and barre classes. We understand that each individual's journey towards holistic well-being is unique, which is why we offer a variety of styles to suit every practitioner. Whether you seek the fluidity of vinyasa flow yoga, the strength-building benefits of barre, or a slow, meditative practice, our experienced instructors are here to guide you on your path. Step onto the mat, find your rhythm, and discover the transformative power of movement and breath at our studio.

PLEASE NOTE: We require all classes to be booked online prior to start time. No drop ins at this time.


Step onto the mat and into a world of serenity and self-discovery with our yoga classes. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or brand new to the practice, our studio offers a nurturing space where you can cultivate strength, flexibility, and inner peace. From invigorating vinyasa flows to restorative deep stretch sessions, our diverse range of classes caters to all levels and intentions. Join us as we journey inward, connecting mind, body, and breath in a practice that nourishes the soul.

All Levels Flow: Our all-level Yoga Flow class is a dynamic blend of movement and mindfulness suitable for practitioners of any experience level. From beginners to seasoned yogis, everyone will find their flow as we seamlessly transition through poses, guided by breath and intention. Whether you're seeking strength, flexibility, or simply a moment of tranquility, this class offers something for everyone. Join us and unlock your inner peace while cultivating a stronger, more balanced body and mind.

Slow Deep Stretch: In this class, we invite you to sink into a blissful state of relaxation and release. Through gentle, prolonged stretches, you'll ease tension from muscles and soothe your mind, fostering a deep sense of calm and rejuvenation. This class is ideal for anyone seeking to unwind, improve flexibility, and restore balance to both body and spirit.

The Healing Ranch Flow: designed to gently guide you through rejuvenating poses and mindful movements. This class offers a nurturing space to release tension, restore energy, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. Perfect for anyone seeking to replenish their body, mind, and spirit.

Akhanda: Experience the holistic approach of Akhanda yoga, where asana (poses), pranayama (breath), and meditation are seamlessly woven together. Rooted in traditional Hatha yoga teachings, Akhanda offers a balanced practice that nourishes the body, mind, and spirit.

Yang/Yin: a harmonious blend of dynamic movement and soothing stillness. Begin with an invigorating flow sequence to build strength and flexibility in the body, followed by deep, meditative yin poses to release tension and cultivate inner peace. This class offers a balanced practice that energizes and restores, leaving you feeling grounded, centered, and refreshed.

Happy Hips: Get ready to unlock your hips and find joy in movement with our Happy Hips Yoga class. Through a series of targeted stretches and strengthening poses, we'll work to increase mobility, alleviate tightness, and create space in the hip area. Whether you're a runner, a desk worker, or simply seeking greater freedom in your body, this class will leave you feeling liberated, empowered, and ready to move with ease and grace.

Weekly Unwind: Treat yourself to a moment of tranquility with our Weekly Unwind classes. Designed to help you release the stresses of the week, these gentle sessions focus on relaxation, breathwork, and gentle movement. Restore balance to your body and mind as you ease into the weekend with grace and ease.

Prenatal Yoga: In our prenatal yoga class, you'll engage in gentle stretches and poses designed to support your changing body and alleviate common discomforts associated with pregnancy. Breathing exercises and relaxation techniques will help you connect with your baby and prepare mentally and physically for the journey through all trimesters and beyond. Throughout the class, emphasis is placed on safety, mindfulness, and creating a sense of community among fellow moms-to-be.


Welcome to the graceful world of barre! Our barre classes blend elements of ballet, Pilates, and strength training to create a dynamic and invigorating low-impact workout experience that end with a relaxing yoga sequence. Led by our skilled instructors, these classes are designed to sculpt and tone your body while improving flexibility, posture, and core strength. Our classes are accessible to all levels, providing a challenging yet supportive environment to help you achieve your fitness goals. Step up to the barre and discover the transformative power of this full-body workout that will leave you feeling strong, poised, and empowered.